26 years
of tradition
Great offer fruit, vine, decorative, exotic seedlings and berries

Vines – fragrant, aromatic, resistant varieties, no chemical spray disease prevention needed, grown organically.

We offer a few varieties of grape vines that are resistant to diseases. This means the plant is grown without the need for chemical sprays. We offer both varieties for wine as well as edible varieties.

The timeline of activity in the nursery of resistant vine varieties is as follows: March is the time for pruning, were decisions on the quantity of future produced grapes are made. With April comes vegetation, blooming of the vines. When grapes start to form, we have the option for corrections – excess grapes are removed in order to relieve the vine.

There are over 300 varieties of resistant vines planted in a testing nursery in the company Rast Baznik from Slovenia located in Krška vas located next to the town Brežice. This is a collection of resistant vine varieties from different parts of the world.

Resistant varieties of grapes are during the ripening time very fragrant, sweet. The grapes vary from variety to variety – the grapes come in different sizes, shape, colour, crispness. There are also varieties that are either seedless or have seeds that aren’t noticeable while consumption. The company Rast Baznik from Slovenia also offers seedless varieties, these varieties are – Reliance, Venus, Jupiter, Vanessa and Lakemont.

Muscat aroma in resistant varieties can be found in varieties: Muscat blue, Palatina, New York Muscat and Poloske muscat. All four varieties are multipurpose as they can be used as edible varieties, as well for wine and juice production.

The varieties that Rast Baznik Slovenia offer also have other different aromas, like fruity, caramel, raspberry, they can be aromatic and sweet. All varieties have a specific differencing characteristic to them.

In the company Rast Baznik offer of resistant vine varieties you will find: Solaris, Muskaris, Souvignier, Gris, Phoenix, Cabarnet Cortis, Regent, Cabarnet blanc, Bianca and Nero.

A large portion of resistant vine varieties come from Russia. These are varieties with sensational flavours, large sizes of grapes resistant to cold winter temperatures. The ripening of these varieties is different, some varieties start the ripening process in July, others ripen throughout the whole season until Fall. Rast Baznik offers resistant edible vine varieties: Talizman, Arcadia, Arolanka, Suzy, Terez, Sveti Martin and Japonska Isabella.

Among resistant old autochthonous vine varieties, which are very fragrant and fit for consumption or juice production Rast Baznik offers: Šmarnica, Bela and Plava Jurka, Kvinton and Isabella.

Resistant vine varieties are suitable for almost all areas of Slovenia and Europe, also in areas where typically a vine might not do well. With these varieties we can arrange a pergola, a shading structure or simply a line with resistant vines in the garden which offers organic grapes at our convenience. Along the resistant vines we can plant a mixed vegetable garden with a variety of vegetables and herbs. These varieties can also be planted in a vineyard but due to the organic nature of care, they must be physically separated from varieties that will be chemically treated with sprays that prevent diseases.

As some interesting facts may I add a variety that derives from Estonia, which can survive extreme winter climates. An interesting variety is also a resistant wine variety CAITRON Magaracha from Russia, which is viewed as a champion amongst varieties as it receives great scores, it is describes as having a subtle aroma of citrus and muscat.

In October 2017 a test measurement of sugar was done on our Citron Magaracha vine and the result was 132 oechsle. Vine producers from the area tasted the variety and confirmed its amazing predicate aroma.

Vine varieties that require little or no chemical spray to prevent diseases are the future. Take care of your health and the environment. You have an option of not using chemical sprays to prevent diseases with choosing resistant varieties.

The company Rast Baznik from Slovenia offers a variety of resistant vines that are suitable for purposes of being edible, for organic wine and organic grape juice production.

Vine plants of both resistant edible and resistant wine varieties are available for purchase at the company Rast Baznik Krška vas in Slovenia. Based on our years of experience we will provide you with advice and recommendations concerning the planting, growing and care of said vines.

By agreement, we ship vines via the express postal services.



Telephone: +386 74959344
Cell phone: +386 41 795 807

Email: rast.baznik@gmail.com
Website: http://www.rast-bs.si

Address: Krška vas 86a

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For information or advice please call +386 7 49 59 344 or send a message to rast.baznik@gmail.com >
Krška vas 86a
8262 Krška vas
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Telephone: +386 7 49 59 344
Fax: +386 7 4959 343
Mobile: +386 41 795 807
Email: rast.baznik@gmail.com
Working time:

Monday - Saturday: 07.30 - 18.00
Sunday: 08.00 - 13.00